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Admission Criteria


  • Male or Female
  • Between the ages 12-17 (Persons who are in the program when they turn 18 can remain until aging out at the eligible age for the discontinuation of foster care services.)
  • Have behavioral challenges such as impulsivity, lying, manipulation, poor socialization, verbal aggression, physical aggression and school truancy.
  • Diagnosed with a learning disability requiring an individualized educational plan (IEP), if applicable, and other types of educational services and supports.
  • Receive third party financial support by way of the Department of Social Services, a juvenile court services division, Medicaid or some other means for private pay.
  • In need of or desire to receive services within a community-based congregate environment.
  • We will consider all individual referred to the program.

By individually providing a thorough review of their submitted application and all other documentation presented for placement consideration, a placement interview, pre-placement assessment and facility tour if applicable.(may accept emergency placement)

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